This week seems to have had a theme: Trial by Water. It started last Sunday, when I was getting ready to leave the house, walked into my bedroom, and water bubbled up from the carpet around my toes. After some searching, I discovered the water heater was leaking. The plumber could not come until Tuesday morning and, in the meantime, I used almost every towel in the house to try to contain the water, as it seeped through the wood flooring in the hall, leaving the slats to darken, buckle and separate. And the water spread further and further into my room. In the midst of dealing with all of that, I also had to clean up after a toilet overflowed!
On Friday, I helped with a retirement party for a lady at work. It poured rain all morning while I loaded and unloaded my car and ran back and forth between buildings. My well-worn, favorite brown shoes, that I continued to wear even after the soles on both shoes split all the way through, finally let me down. Each time I stepped out in the rain, water seeped into my shoes, wetting the insides of the shoes and my socks. All day long I had wet feet! Add that to a cold and a backache and Friday was rough.
Saturday morning we awoke to more rain that lasted most of the day. Bailey was so disappointed that we could not play outside that he literally sat at the French doors, barking at the rain. It took lots of love and attention from me to quiet and distract him.
And today, water in its frozen form almost kept me from seeing my sister and my adorable niece, who can always make me smile. Thankfully, I did not believe the weather forecast and trekked northward for a short visit and lots of laughter.
Overall, this was a very rough week. Of everything that happened, though, the scene that has stuck in my mind most is that of Bailey, sitting at the window, barking at the rain and wishing it would go away. How many times have I done that? Throughout this journey with degenerative
myelopathy, how many times have I "barked at the rain"? How often have I asked God why we have to go through this, and could He please take the disease away? Instead, I should have been sitting at the feet of my Master, allowing Him to love on me, to soothe my weary spirit, to assure me that this rain will end and the sun will shine again.
Because just like the rain, this journey has a purpose. Without the rain, flowers, trees, and plants would never grow; without trials, neither would my faith or my reliance on Him grow.
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.Isaiah 43:2 (New Living Translation)