Monday, May 28, 2007

Strangling the Kroger Cashier

Friday night, I went to Walmart and Kroger to buy all the ingredients to make Bailey's food, and I had to buy a lot of everything because I wanted to cook enough to last a week. I had already been to Walmart and gotten the produce that I could there, but I could not find spinach or tofu. I went to Kroger, gathered up my 3 boxes of tofu, 6 bunches of spinach, and some 10mL syringes that are so impossible to find, and headed to the checkout. The young girl who was ringing up my purchases said something about all the spinach. When she got to the tofu, she said, "Can I ask what you're making?" I told her I was making dog food and, to appease her curiosity, I told her a little bit about Bailey's condition. She asked me his age and what kind of dog he is. I told her he is 11 and a black lab/German shepherd mix. She asked me if he was registered... I should have ended the conversation there, because obviously she's an idiot! But I replied that no, he is not registered because he is a mix. Then she looked at me and said, "You're doing all of this for a . . . mutt?" This is when the strangling came in, at least in my mind. I replied, "It doesn't matter if he is a purebred or not, he is my baby!" Then she went on to tell me about her mom's dog's thyroid problem and the potted meat he has to eat (WHAT?!?!) and I tuned her out as best I could.

Her dog-owning license is permanently revoked! If only I had the power to do that . . . .

1 comment:

fanniep said...

I can only imagine the thoughts you were having! I went to the vet last week and a lady came in with a "mutt." She made sure everybody knew that that was her son's dog and not hers. SHE had a Bichon Frise and was very disgusted by everyone who could not say the name correctly. There will never cease to be idiots in this world. I can only comfort myself by hating those people to a very large degree!