Monday, May 14, 2007

We're Still Here

I have not posted in a while because our internet at home is down. It's also been pretty crazy lately. Here is why:

Bailey's current schedule
- Wake up
- Take Denosyl 1 hr. before eating (for elevated liver enzyme alkaline phosphatase)
- Walk for 30 minutes (except we can't walk in the yard right now because of the weeds that put horrible thorns into my feet that are all over the back yard instead of grass....)
- Take n-acetylsysteine (NAC) and aminocaproic acid (EACA) on an empty stomach
- Take vitamin E, vitamin C, Synovi G3 (for joints), good boy, get treat, eat breakfast
- Mommy leaves me :o(
- - - - - - -
- Mommy comes home :oP
- Get the mail and go potty
- Take NAC and EACA on an empty stomach
- Take vitamin E, vitamin C, milk thistle (for liver), good boy, get treat, eat dinner
- - - - - - -
- Take NAC and EACA on an empty stomach
- - - - - - -
- Wake up and do it all over again!

It's a little easier on the weekend because I am at home to give him his second dose of NAC and EACA in the afternoon instead of waiting till after work. We also go to the park in the mornings on the weekend, which he loves.

Hopefully soon I will be able to post about Bailey's personal chef, his first experience with the wading pool, and whatever else has happened by then...

1 comment:

fanniep said...

It's good to hear from you guys. Your fan base was starting to get restless with no news!! Keep up the good work. I know it's hard but we also know that Bailey's worth every ounce of energy spent and every minute of lost sleep.