Bailey's wearing my t-shirt today.
He does not normally wear my clothes. In fact, I envy his limited wardrobe choice and often ask to borrow his clothes so I can avoid choosing something to wear. But today, I had had enough.
When we were at Auburn last week, they shaved his right leg to insert an IV while he was under anaesthesia for the MRI. Now, Bailey is a compulsive licker by nature and does not need a reason to lick his legs and feet for hours on end. But anytime he has anything shaved, this compulsion to lick kicks into overdrive.
So what was a simple shaved patch on his leg has now become a battle zone! Bailey licks, mommy tells him to stop, he stops. Bailey licks again, mommy tells him to stop again, he stops again. And this process repeats at least 50 times a day. I realize that the hair growing back itches him, so I bought Benadryl cream and a wrap. I covered the leg in the cream, put bandages on top, and wrapped it until I thought surely he could not get to it. Wrong! Twice I did this, and twice he had it bleeding (just a little) with the bandage still in place.
I took the bandages off and left them off, thinking perhaps the bandages were bothering him more than the hair regrowth. Then I came home today, and his leg was soaked from him licking it. That's when the t-shirt went on. He does not love it, but he can't get to his leg, so I think I won. Score one point for the mommy!
He looks great with his really big bandage. Mommy scored one but Bailey will always win out. He's just too cute not to win!!!
I will be checking in...Bailey looks cute in your t-shirt. Bruce saw your tag line and asked if Bailey always wore that big of a bandage...LOL
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